Help! I'm falling in LOVE

Hello! Hi ! There you are. Yes, I am talking to you. Can you do something for me ? Think of it like doing an old friend a favor.
Hi again. Okay. Phew.Wow,I'm so nervous. My fingers are shaking uncontrollably its crazy. I need to calm done right?Okay. Deep breath in.Deep breath out.I got this. I really need to calm the fuck down now. This is stupid. What is wrong with me. It's just a guy. Yeah, just a guy right ? I mean the numbness in my legs when he gazed at me with those sterling gray eyes had nothing to do with him right.I must be just tired from climbing all the stairs to the third floor.Maybe he wasn't even looking at me. Why would he be ? His eyes. Oh his eyes. I think i'm going to faint.They were so still like a gentle stream and yet they seemed to be seeping an sinking deep into my core. They were calling , drawing me closer and closer. Enchanting is what it was. Stop ! Okay. What am i doing ? This is stupid. No. Dumb even. He.Is.Just.A.Guy.A member of the Homo Sapiens species. No big deal. Who cares about guys anyway. They are loud,obnoxious, messy things. Gross.But why does he make by insides coil and tighten in desperation when he ruffles his jet black luscious curls. You know what, i don't know whats going on. This isn't me. I am cool, calm , collected and in Control. There has to be an explanation. It must be the Lasagna! Greta has always been a terrible cook . I mean don't get me started on the 'egg casserole' . Who the fuck does that ? Anyway, science can explain this.Science explains everything. I think.Maybe except why socks and sandals are an actual thing .Phew.Deep Breath. Deep Breath. Okay, i think i got this. Let me tell you the story...